Thursday, June 2, 2011

My question was the gaze

"I asked the earth, I asked the sea and the deeps, among the living animals, the things that creep. I asked the heavens, the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the things that stand at the doors of flesh. . . . My question was the gaze I turned to them. Their answer was their beauty."
—St Augustine
Confessions X vi

1 comment:

Michael said...

Thank you, Tim. It is AMAZING. The gaze is the ANSWER we all need, and it is right there! The Gaze/the Answer/the only Word for It is Love that emerges from or creates Beauty. SO simple! Let's BE it! Michael

"An International Movement Inspiring the Mortal - Soul - Spirit in us all."

"An International Movement Inspiring the Mortal - Soul - Spirit in us all."