Monday, April 25, 2011

The Edge

I have been thinking about “the edge” recently. That place where what you believe, and maybe even hope for, becomes eclipsed by what is. Sometimes this may seem like a good thing and sometimes, not. I am thinking about a dear friend who just months ago retired from her work and was trying to come to terms with “what now?” Then, she started coming down with debilitating migraine headaches and what was believed to be a hernia that turned out to be cancer. Healthy, vibrant, full of promise just a few months ago and now in the hospital, in critical care fighting for her life. It can happen that fast, and it gives me pause.

Stopping to think about a work trip I am about to take to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska, one of the most desolate wildernesses left on our planet, and how going out “there” brings me closer to my friend in the hospital, and closer to us all, as we live out our human conditions. We are fragile, and we are going to die someday and that is hard to talk about- who wants to think about that!

But as I do consider it here and now, I feel my heart open. I feel the strength of my spirit wake up and look deeply into that seeming void, and there, I catch glimpses of life, of real living… on that edge, where the view can get terribly clear, and be terribly beautiful.

As we each struggle with our own facts of life, I feel blessed that I have connected with other brave souls, spirits, and mortals like you, who find your selves here- sharing the reality of our being.

For me, it is in this sharing that makes living all the richer and softens some of that edge.

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"An International Movement Inspiring the Mortal - Soul - Spirit in us all."

"An International Movement Inspiring the Mortal - Soul - Spirit in us all."