Thursday, October 1, 2009

"I was frozen inside..."

"I have been involved with the LLP-project-work since 2000. In that time we called it "Murphy-training", because we didn't have a name for it yet. During these nine years I came together with many groups and I have SEEN wonders happen doing Michael Murphy's work. As a witness and a guide I have seen TRANSFORMATIONS happen in other people...I have experienced the power of "listening without judging", the power of " looking in the mirror," and these taught me (as a general practitioner and a human being) that there is always hope ... for everyone... even when we go through very bad things or very difficult times.

I also learned I cannot do this when I'm alone with a patient. We need TRIOS-- the story-teller needs a witness AND a guide. So now during my work, when I met people that I as a GP can't help alone, I know there is hope for them if we can practice in the trio's of the LLF Project. And then came 2009... and a crisis for me. My body didn't allow me to do what I wanted it to do. Tired and exhausted… (How was that possible?), I felt I had lost a part of myself, but I did not know what to do, where to go, or why this was happening to me.

I went to Ireland this September to the Love, Loss and Forgiveness Project workshop of Michael Murphy .... and there I felt the WONDER of transformation happen IN ME. It took only 36 hours....and I was "my whole self" again... I could cry again... I could really laugh from inside, again... and I felt, and I still feel the warmth of LOVE deep within me. I was frozen inside and was becoming a hard women…

My difficult time is not over yet, but I'm sure I will become better, and I know that it will take time and as Michael always says, “it is VERY SIMPLE, BUT NOT EASY.”

I'm so grateful that I know the Project, and that I can help to spread it a little bit in my region in the future".

Krista from BelgiumPosted by Picasa
"An International Movement Inspiring the Mortal - Soul - Spirit in us all."

"An International Movement Inspiring the Mortal - Soul - Spirit in us all."