Micheal is off to Romania today to meet with Romianian LLFP practitioners and lead a workshop.Thanks to Traian and Simona Bernat, and others, Romania is home to a lot of project activity, with active groups of nine and annual start up workshops given by Michael. Michael will be staying with Dr. Traian Tudor Strimbu at his home on the waters edge. This should be another amazing series of meetings!
This also kicks off for Michael, and the LLFP, an exciting time for the Project, as John Carlson, Roger Wyatt and Kelly Hurley of MediaThinks Inc. will be heading the development of a whole new Internet membership platform for the organization and running of LLFP activities internationally. More on this new way for you all to stay in contact with each other and the project on this blog in the coming weeks...
Please keep in touch, we love would love to hear from you in the comment sections of the posts.The Love, Loss and Forgiveness Project is about all of us, it can become an important international movement for Living the Loving Life!